GH Metal Solutions integrates numerous state-of-the-art electronic systems into our manufacturing processes.
-ERP software features modules that work together seamlessly to take our customers’ order from quote estimating to scheduling to invoicing in one simple software. This means that we can ensure our manufacturing operation runs smoothly, and we are able to manage data, create quotes for our customers’ projects, and send them invoices from the same platform.
-PRIME (Paper Reduction Initiative Manufacturing Environment) is our proprietary software which not only moves our plant toward a paperless environment, but also gives our team more control over the parts as they go through the production process on the floor. We know exactly where each part is, when it got there, at what stage of the manufacturing process it is in; which provides a complete data trail from start to finish. Every part we produce is tagged and tracked with unmatched precision for maximum efficiency.
-Our primary computer-aided design (CAD) program, enables us to seamlessly import your models and files, including .SLDPRT, .STEP, and .IGES, and quickly translate customer designs into manufacturing plans, programs and prints. Access to OEM customer CAD files speeds up the costing and ultimately, delivery times of products.
-Our nesting and machine programming solution allows us to optimize material usage and laser processing times. We have tightly integrated it into our ERP system through a proprietary, in-house developed software interface. This provides us with increased efficiencies by automating material and work order data transfers between systems, while allowing us to track our results from start to finish.
-Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) capabilities enable us to exchange business documents digitally by a standard format with our customers. EDI can improve business processes immensely by automating the generation, transfer, receiving and uploading of documents such as purchase orders, invoices, advanced shipping notification (ASN) and many others.
3709 Williams Ave N, Fort Payne, AL 35967 | 256-845-5411
GH Metal Solutions
is a subsidiary of Reliance Steel & Aluminum Co.
Our comprehensive facilities in Fort Payne, AL, and West Columbia, SC are ideally positioned to serve OEMs throughout the Southeastern US and beyond. Additionally, we run a laser solutions center in Decatur, AL.
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